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Types of surgical forceps - APTO Surgical

Types of surgical forceps

Types of surgical forceps – APTO Surgical Instruments

Types of surgical forceps are a type of surgical instrument used to grasp, hold, or manipulate tissues and objects during surgical procedures. They consist of two opposing blades or jaws that are joined at one end and can be opened and closed using handles at the other end. Forceps come in various shapes and sizes, each designed for a specific purpose. Some common types include:  Click to Buy Surgical Forceps

✅ Hemostatic forceps: Used to clamp blood vessels and control bleeding.

✅ Tissue forceps: Used to grasp and hold tissues gently without causing damage.

✅ Dissecting forceps: Used to separate and dissect tissues during surgery.

✅ Needle holders: Used to hold and manipulate surgical needles during suturing.

✅ Biopsy forceps: Used to collect tissue samples for examination.

Forceps are essential tools in surgery, allowing surgeons to perform precise and delicate procedures with greater control and accuracy.

Medical & Surgical Forceps – Several Styles / Types

You’re interested in exploring more about medical and surgical forceps, specifically the various styles and types. As I mentioned earlier, there are over 75 different types of apto forceps, each designed for specific uses and applications.

Let’s dive deeper into some of the common styles and types of medical and surgical forceps:

Hemostatic Forceps – Types of surgical forceps

Hemostatic forceps are designed to control bleeding during surgery. They are typically used to clamp and hold blood vessels, allowing the surgeon to ligate or cauterize them. Examples of hemostatic forceps include:

  • Kocher hemostatic forceps
  • Halstead mosquito forceps
  • Crile hemostatic forceps

Tissue Forceps

Tissue forceps are used to grasp, hold, and manipulate tissues during surgery. They come in various shapes, sizes, and materials, depending on the specific procedure and tissue type. Examples of tissue forceps include:

  • Thumb tissue forceps
  • Babcock forceps
  • Adson forceps with teeth
  • Martin tissue forceps

Bone Reduction Forceps – APTO Surgical Instruments

Bone reduction forceps are used in orthopedic procedures to hold bone fragments in place while they are being reduced or set. Examples of bone reduction forceps include:

  • Bone reduction forceps
  • Lane bone reduction forceps
  • Verbrugge bone reduction forceps


Micro-forceps are designed for delicate, precision work in microsurgery and ophthalmic procedures. They typically have very fine tips and are used to grasp and manipulate small tissues or objects. Examples of micro-forceps include:

  • Micro-Adson forceps
  • Micro-Babcock forceps
  • Micro-DeBakey forceps

Specialty Forceps

There are many specialty forceps designed for specific procedures or applications, such as:

  • Cervical biopsy forceps
  • Tenaculum forceps
  • Dressing forceps serrated
  • Carmalt forceps

These are just a few examples of the many styles and types of medical and surgical forceps available. Each type is designed to meet the specific needs of a particular procedure or application, and surgeons often have their own preferences when it comes to the type of forceps they use.

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